This product can only be shipped to contiguous 48 states. Valid street address and contact telephone number required for delivery.
Due to the size & weight of this product, this item will be shipped directly from the manufacturer via conventional LTL trucking with standard “economy” service. Alternate delivery options and/or shipping upgrades are not available for web orders. Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery after the product is shipped from the manufacturer.
Please note! This product will be shipped via LTL truck and delivered via curbside delivery only. You will be contacted by the shipping company per the telephone number provided to arrange a delivery time. Delivery attempts can only be made Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Please note that only 1 delivery attempt will be made per arrangements finalized by you and the shipper. If the shipper is unable to deliver due to the recipient not being present upon delivery attempt, the product will be transported back to the closest shipping hub and additional charges will apply for further delivery attempts.
Please note! This product is shipped in a crate that is dimensionally large and is heavy in weight. Please note specific size and weight specifications on the specific product you have ordered.
Truck with lift-gate service will not be utilized for delivery of this product. Although lift-gate equipped truck will be used … RECIPIENT MUST HAVE THE MEANS AND/OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO OFF-LOAD THIS PRODUCT FROM STREET LEVEL CURBSIDE LOCATION.
Please exercise all safety measures while accepting delivery of this product. The manufacturer is not liable for personal injury sustained in the unloading, lifting, moving, transport or otherwise during delivery of this product. Manufacturer not liable for any damage to the product caused in the unloading of this product.
Please note! If upon delivery damage is apparent to the exterior crate packaging that this product is shipped in recipient must follow one of the following:
Slight damage = recipient is required to note “PRODUCT DAMAGED BY CARRIER” when accepting delivery and signing for the Bill of Lading.
Extensive damage = recipient is advised to refuse the delivery and contact Summit Outdoors customer service at 888-446-4868 to advise them of the problem. We will work with you to arrange another shipment.