Cold Weather Blind Tips

July 30, 2021 1 min read

Pro Tips With Tom Nelson

Presented by Shadow Hunter Blinds

When Mother Nature decides to show her ugly side come late November, as a hunter I really appreciate my Shadow Hunter blinds at this time of year. Late November and December means blustery winds and frigid temps across whitetail country. While at times, many hunters utilize small portable heaters in their Shadow Hunters, I prefer to stay away from these devises as they do give off scent that alerts savvy whitetails. Instead, I carry an old wool army blanket with me to my blind. Wrapping myself in this protective blanket keeps me warm and cozy even on the coldest of days. Plus its ultra silent and easy to take off when a deer shows up. Be sure to keep the blanket aired out and as scent free as possible. Treat it just like you do your hunting attire, keeping in clean and away from any household scents.

The post Cold Weather Blind Tips first appeared on Shadow Hunter Blinds.